Hi everyone! It’s now summertime, and on top of trying to survive the heat, we’ve been really busy around the homestead Continue reading
Hi everyone! It’s now summertime, and on top of trying to survive the heat, we’ve been really busy around the homestead Continue reading
Farmer Long and I have always lived pretty frugally, it’s just part of who we are and the lifestyle we have chosen. I’m always looking for ways to pinch pennies, save money, and stretch our income. I wanted to be able to share all the things we do to save money. Continue reading
I’m way overdue for an update on our homestead happenings! My last update was in December; click here if you missed it. To be honest, not a whole lot has happened since then, except for more recently! With the colder weather, rain, and shorter days, Farmer Long and I have been spending most of our time “maintaining” the homestead, not too many new exciting things, crazy projects or anything else going on. And we’ve also spent a lot of time resting (lol) in preparation for the warmer months! Well now that we are into spring, better weather, and longer days, all kinds of things are going on around the homestead, we can barely keep up! Continue reading