Author Archives: millennialhomesteader

My Chicken has Bumblefoot *WARNING: GRAPHIC PHOTOS*

Hope you all had a great 4th of July!

We spent our Independence Day working on projects for the farm. What better way to celebrate freedom then to exercise our freedom through farm projects that go towards celebrating our freedom to raise our own food!?

But what started out as a perfectly planned day of farm projects, changed quickly when I noticed one of our hens favoring one of her legs and limping on that same leg. I immediately noticed a large swelling bump on her foot and knew it was Bumblefoot. Continue reading


Homesteading: Sometimes things don’t go as planned…

Sometimes things don’t go as planned, especially when it comes to the homesteading lifestyle. This weekend, Nic and I were talking about our recent homestead happenings and were reminded of the events that took place this recent Memorial weekend…. Events that made us laugh, but also made us face the reality that things don’t always go as planned.  We have always known this, but it was a nice little reminder, so I thought I’d share the story with you as well. Continue reading
