We often get asked what we use for shelter for our KuneKune pigs. We like to use what we call KuneKune Huts. Here’s some rough instructions with a material list and some photos to show you how we make ours.
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We often get asked what we use for shelter for our KuneKune pigs. We like to use what we call KuneKune Huts. Here’s some rough instructions with a material list and some photos to show you how we make ours.
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Anyone that has ever raised chickens, even just a small backyard flock will tell you how addicting chickens are. They are just so fun to watch, beautiful to look at, and give you healthy fresh eggs! Chickens are pretty easy keepers. What I usually tell people is they aren’t quite as easy as cats, but definitely easier than caring for dogs. I always recommend want-to-be-homesteaders start with at least a few chickens to get their feet wet before moving into other farm animals. Raising chickens seems to be the “gateway animal” for most people that end up homesteading and farming. Chickens were definitely our gateway animal years and years ago.
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